Our Mission
The mission of the DCCH Center for Children and Families is to express God’s love by providing compassionate care and quality services to address the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of children and families.
Our Philosophy
As a Christian institution under the auspices of the Diocese of Covington, Kentucky, DCCH Center for Children and Families respects the dignity of each individual as a person created in the image and likeness of God.
The Board of Directors and Staff are committed to helping children and their families while embracing and celebrating the diversity and giftedness of each and every person.
We work to nurture each child physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually, and provide them the opportunity to lead fruitful and productive lives as children of God and members of society.
Our Goals
We access, stabilize, treat and educate children and their families while facilitating changes in relationships, attitudes, and behavior. Through a continuum of support and assistance, we strive to establish them in a family setting. We develop them into productive, self-confident members of our community.
Our Vision
DCCH Center for Children and Families will be the preferred provider of flexible, adaptive, and the highest quality family-centered care in a safe environment. We will increase awareness in the community and expand funding sources to ensure the long-term financial viability of a state-of-the-art facility.
The Mision & History
Faith Community Pharmacy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable pharmacy located in Florence, KY.
Faith Community Pharmacy was founded in 2002 as the St. Vincent de Paul Community Pharmacy by two local pharmacists, Mary Beth Beimesch and Rosana Aydt who saw there was a need for prescription help throughout Northern Kentucky. The pharmacy service area consists of the 14 counties of the Diocese of Covington. Our formulary targets chronic disease states, such as diabetes, cardiovascular illnesses, COPD, asthma, mental health, GI/GU, and rheumatology. The pharmacy is prohibited by law from dispensing controlled substances. Our goal is to ensure that no one in Northern Kentucky goes without needed medication due to affordability.
Since opening in 2002 the pharmacy has served over 7,500 people and has dispensed more than 550,000 prescriptions dispensed.
Prior to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, the pharmacy helped only those without prescription insurance. Due to the federal mandate to carry insurance the pharmacy now helps anyone with a total household income at or below 200% of the federal poverty level regardless of their insurance status. The charitable pharmacy does not bill insurance companies. This is a free service for both the client and the healthcare system.
The pharmacy relies on funding from private donations, foundation grants, fiscal court grant funding, and fundraising events. Community support is vital to keep this service available to those in Northern Kentucky who are struggling to afford their medications and stay healthy.
Who We Are
The Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Covington are committed to offering our children a quality education founded on Gospel values while promoting academic excellence and creative thinking in a safe and nurturing environment. When the time comes to step out beyond the doors of our schools, our hope is to have instilled in each student the ability and determination to be spiritually, intellectually, physically, morally, and socially adept.
Since 1997, the Alliance for Catholic Urban Education (ACUE) has been working with the urban community to ensure that our children within the inner-city areas of our diocese continue to have access to Catholic education. The six urban grade schools – Holy Cross, Holy Family, Holy Trinity, Prince of Peace, St. Anthony, and St. Augustine- are a vital ministry of the diocese and provide an exemplary Christ-centered moral and academic education to their students.
In 2007, Bishop Foys linked the six urban elementary schools under the ACUE Consortium. The Consortium performs administrative and financial functions in order to prevent duplication of expenses, to produce greater efficiency, and to study and recommend best educational practices.
Along with the three great organizations above, through the generosity of our donors, The Mike Epplen Philanthropic Fund was able to donate:
Eight $1,000 scholarships to senior baseball players from Covington Catholic, St. Henry, Holy Cross, Beechwood, Bellevue, Conner, Campbell County, and Oak Hills.